vix is a Latin Adverb that primarily means hardly.
hardly, scarcely, with difficulty
With difficulty, hardly, not easily. (b) ~ tandem, with difficulty after much time or effort. (c) reluctantly.
Hardly at all, scarcely, barely, only just. (b) (qualifying an adj., adv., or noun). (c) ~ tandem, only just after all this time. (d) ~ est ut, it is hardly the case that, it is unlikely that.
Vix bene sanusCompare Scarcely in his right mind
Tam infirmus erat ut vix loqui posset.Compare He was so weak that he could scarcely speak.
Vive pius - moriere; pius cole sacra - colentem mors gravis a templis in cava busta trahet; carminibus confide bonis - iacet, ecce, Tibullus: vix manet e toto, parva quod urna capit!Compare Live the duteous life - you will die; be faithful in your worship - in the very act of worship heavy death will drag you from the temple to the hollow tomb; put your trust in beautiful song - behold, Tibullus lies dead: from his whole self there scarce remains what the slight urn receives!
Utrum avarus an crudelis sum, vix existimo possum.Compare It can scarcely be computed, whether he is more avaricous or more cruel.
O paternus genus oblitus, maternus vix memor!Compare O forgetful of thy father's family, scarce mindful of thy mother's!
Pars vix tertius is exercitus habeo, qui Iberus amnis trajicio.Compare He has scarce a third part of that army which he brought over the river Ebro.
Animadverto collis nudatus homo, qui superior dies vix prae multitudo cerno possum.Compare He perceives the hill bare of men, which on the previous days could scarcely be seen for the numbers on it.
Allen, Joseph H. Allen and Greenough's New Latin Grammar for Schools and Colleges: Founded on Comparative Grammar. Edited by James B. Greenough, George L. Kittredge, Albert A. Howard, and Benjamin L. D'Ooge. Boston, MA: Ginn & Company, 1903.
Crystal, David. A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics. 6th ed. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing, 2008.
Delatte, Louis, Suzanne Govaerts, Joseph Denooz, and Etienne Evrard. Dictionnaire fréquentiel et index inverse de la langue latine [Frequency Dictionary and Inverse Index of the Latin Language]. Liège, Belgium: Laboratoire d'analyse statistique des langues anciennes de l'Université de Liège (L.A.S.L.A.), 1981.
Diederich, Paul B. The Frequency of Latin Words and Their Endings. PhD diss., Columbia University, 1939.
Francese, Christopher. "Latin Core Vocabulary." Dickinson College Commentaries. Last modified 2014. http://dcc.dickinson.edu/latin-vocabulary-list.
Gildersleeve, Basil L., and Gonzales Lodge. Gildersleeve's Latin Grammar: Third Edition, Revised, and Enlarged. 3rd ed. London, England: Macmillan and Co., 1903.
Glare, Peter G.W. Oxford Latin Dictionary. Vols. 1-8. Oxford, England: Clarendon Press, 1982.
Krüger, Bernd. "Latin Conjugation Tables." Cactus2000. Accessed May 5, 2023. https://latin.cactus2000.de/index.en.php.
Pierson, Nick. "Sound of Text." Accessed October 26, 2019. https://soundoftext.com.
Wheelock, Frederick M. Wheelock's Latin. 6th ed. Revised by Richard A. LaFleur. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers, 2005.
Wiktionary Contributors. "Victionarium." Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. Updated March 18, 2019. https://la.wiktionary.org/wiki/Victionarium:Pagina_prima.
Chicago (17th ed.)
Allo Contributors. "vix (adv.) - Latin Word Definition." Allo Latin Dictionary. Last modified . Accessed March 31, 2025. http://ancientlanguages.org/latin/dictionary/vix.
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