tōtus is a Latin Adjective that primarily means whole.
whole, entire
English derivatives:
total totality factotum in toto
(dist. from a part) The whole of, all. (b) (in pl.) whole, complete; (w. nums., often used to emphasize magnitude.).
(indicating that no part of a person or thing is excluded from the action of the vb.) Every part of, the whole of, in its entirety. (b) (indicating that an accompanying adj. or attribute applies to every part or aspect of a person or thing).
(in advl. phrs.): (a) (in local abl.) Throughout the whole-, all over the-. (b) (in temporal phrs.) during (the) whole-, all through the- (sts. expr. simple duration). (c) (in acc. of duration) for (a) whole-; (also in +acc.). (d) (w. parts of the body, faculties, etc., in instr. abl.).
(indicating that a person is involved in the action or state described to a total extent). (b) (w. gen. of person to whom one is devoted, or activity in which one is engrossed; sim. w. poss. adj. or in+abl.).
Complete in all respects, whole, entire; free from defect or damage, unimpaired. (b) not castrated, entire.
Hī tōtam cīvitātem dūcent (dūcunt, dūcēbant).Compare These men will lead (lead, were leading) the whole state.
Tōta patria huic sōlī grātiās agit (aget, agēbat).Compare The whole country thanks (will thank, was thanking) this man alone.
Tōta gēns in fīnēs huius reī pūblicae magnā cum manū amīcōrum ūnō diē vēnit.Compare The whole clan came into the territory of this state with a large band of friends in one day.
Multīs gentibus victīs, tōtum mundum tenēre cupīvistī.Compare When many peoples had been conquered, you (sg.) desired to possess the whole world.
Perierat totus orbis, nisi iram finiret misericordia.Compare The whole world would perish if pity did not put an end to anger
Princeps pecunia, civitas autem imperium totus provincia polliceor.Compare To the chiefs he promises money, but to the state he promises the sovereignty of the whole province.
Tu senatus auctoritas, salus civitas, totus res publica, provincia praemium vendo.Compare You sold the authority of the senate, the safety of the state, the whole commonwealth, for the bribe of a province.
Totus negotium non sum dignus vis noster, qui magnus onus sustineo et possum et soleo.Compare The whole affair is not worthy of my strength, who am both able and accustomed to support greater burdens.
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Chicago (17th ed.)
Allo Contributors. "tōtus, tōta, tōtum (adj.) - Latin Word Definition." Allo Latin Dictionary. Last modified . Accessed March 31, 2025. http://ancientlanguages.org/latin/dictionary/totus-tota-totum.
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