tenēre is a Latin Verb that primarily means to possess.
to hold, keep, possess, restrain
-tineō, -ēre, -tinuī, -tentum in compounds, eg. contineō
English derivatives:
tenable tenacious tenant tenet tenure tentacle tenor continue content continent pertinent pertinacity lieutenant appertain detain retain sustain
To hold in the hand or other part of the body, grasp. (b) to take in one's hand, take hold of, grasp.
To exert a sustained grip on, hold fast. (b) to hold in an embrace.
To hold in position. (b) (refl.) to hold itself together. (c) to keep (one's eyes) fixed. (d) (intr.) to take a firm hold, stick fast.
To have within itself, hold, contain; to be in the home of location of. (b) to include (an item).
To reach in journeying, make. (b) (transf.) to achieve, attain to.
Multīs gentibus victīs, tōtum mundum tenēre cupīvistī.Compare When many peoples had been conquered, you (sg.) desired to possess the whole world.
Modum tenēre dēbēmus.Compare We ought to maintain moderation.
Mantua mē genuit, Calabrī rapuēre, tenet nunc Pathenopē: cecinī pascua, rūra, ducēs. (inscription on the tomb of Vergil).Compare Mantua gave me life, Calabria took it away, now Naples holds me: I sang of pastures, fields, and heroes.
Teneo alius castra; odi hostis: ego urbs et res urbanus tueor.Compare Let others keep the camp; let them hate the enemy: We will take care of the city and the affairs of the city.
Nec aetas impedio, quominus hic studium teneo usque ad ultimus tempus senectus.Compare Neither do years hinder us from retaining these pursuits even to the extreme limit of old age.
Indicative present | Indicative imperfect |
teneō tenēs tenet tenēmus tenētis tenent | tenēbam tenēbās tenēbat tenēbāmus tenēbātis tenēbant |
Indicative perfect | Indicative pluperfect |
tenuī tenuistī tenuit tenuimus tenuistis tenuērunt / tenuēre | tenueram tenuerās tenuerat tenuerāmus tenuerātis tenuerant |
Indicative future | Indicative future perfect |
tenēbō tenēbis tenēbit tenēbimus tenēbitis tenēbunt | tenuerō tenueris tenuerit tenuerimus tenueritis tenuerint |
Subjunctive present | Subjunctive imperfect |
teneam teneās teneat teneāmus teneātis teneant | tenērem tenērēs tenēret tenērēmus tenērētis tenērent |
Subjunctive perfect | Subjunctive pluperfect |
tenuerim tenueris tenuerit tenuerimus tenueritis tenuerint | tenuissem tenuissēs tenuisset tenuissēmus tenuissētis tenuissent |
Infinitive present tenēre Infinitive perfect tenuisse Infinitive future tentūrum esse | Imperative present tenē tenēte Imperative future tenētō tenētō tenētōte tenentō |
Indicative present | Indicative imperfect |
teneor tenēris tenētur tenēmur tenēminī tenentur | tenēbar tenēbāris / tenēbāre tenēbātur tenēbāmur tenēbāminī tenēbantur |
Indicative perfect | Indicative pluperfect |
tentus sum tentus es tentus est tentī sumus tentī estis tentī sunt | tentus eram tentus erās tentus erat tentī erāmus tentī erātis tentī erant |
Indicative future | Indicative future perfect |
tenēbor tenēberis / tenēbere tenēbitur tenēbimur tenēbiminī tenēbuntur | tentus erō tentus eris tentus erit tentī erimus tentī eritis tentī erunt |
Subjunctive present | Subjunctive imperfect |
tenear teneāris / teneāre teneātur teneāmur teneāminī teneantur | tenērer tenērēris / tenērēre tenērētur tenērēmur tenērēminī tenērentur |
Subjunctive perfect | Subjunctive pluperfect |
tentus sim tentus sīs tentus sit tentī sīmus tentī sītis tentī sint | tentus essem tentus essēs tentus esset tentī essēmus tentī essētis tentī essent |
Infinitive present tenērī Infinitive perfect tentum esse Infinitive future tentum īrī | Imperative present tenēre tenēminī Imperative future tenētor tenētor - tenentor |
Participle present active | ||
Nom. | tenēns | tenentēs |
Gen. | tenentis | tenentium |
Dat. | tenentī | tenentibus |
Acc. | tenentem | tenentēs |
Abl. | tenente | tenentibus |
Participle future active | ||
Nom. | tentūrus | tentūrī |
Gen. | tentūrī | tentūrōrum |
Dat. | tentūrō | tentūrīs |
Acc. | tentūrum | tentūrōs |
Abl. | tentūrō | tentūrīs |
Participle perfect passive | ||
Nom. | tentus | tentī |
Gen. | tentī | tentōrum |
Dat. | tentō | tentīs |
Acc. | tentum | tentōs |
Abl. | tentō | tentīs |
Gerundive | ||
Nom. | tenendus | tenendī |
Gen. | tenendī | tenendōrum |
Dat. | tenendō | tenendīs |
Acc. | tenendum | tenendōs |
Abl. | tenendō | tenendīs |
Gerund | Supine | |
Nom. | tenēre | tentum |
Gen. | tenendī | tentū |
Dat. | tenendō | |
Acc. | tenendum | |
Abl. | tenendō |
Allen, Joseph H. Allen and Greenough's New Latin Grammar for Schools and Colleges: Founded on Comparative Grammar. Edited by James B. Greenough, George L. Kittredge, Albert A. Howard, and Benjamin L. D'Ooge. Boston, MA: Ginn & Company, 1903.
Crystal, David. A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics. 6th ed. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing, 2008.
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Gildersleeve, Basil L., and Gonzales Lodge. Gildersleeve's Latin Grammar: Third Edition, Revised, and Enlarged. 3rd ed. London, England: Macmillan and Co., 1903.
Glare, Peter G.W. Oxford Latin Dictionary. Vols. 1-8. Oxford, England: Clarendon Press, 1982.
Krüger, Bernd. "Latin Conjugation Tables." Cactus2000. Accessed May 5, 2023. https://latin.cactus2000.de/index.en.php.
Pierson, Nick. "Sound of Text." Accessed October 26, 2019. https://soundoftext.com.
Wheelock, Frederick M. Wheelock's Latin. 6th ed. Revised by Richard A. LaFleur. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers, 2005.
Wiktionary Contributors. "Victionarium." Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. Updated March 18, 2019. https://la.wiktionary.org/wiki/Victionarium:Pagina_prima.
Chicago (17th ed.)
Allo Contributors. "teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentum (v.) - Latin Word Definition." Allo Latin Dictionary. Last modified . Accessed March 18, 2025. http://ancientlanguages.org/latin/dictionary/teneo-tenere-tenui-tentum.
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