tempus is a Latin Noun that primarily means time.
time, occasion, opportunity
English derivatives:
tempo temporary contemporary temporal temporize extempore tense of a verb
A moment or period of time (in which an event occurs). (b) the time, date (of an event), (appointed) time.
(in advl. phrs.): (a) (abl., w. demonstrative, relative, etc., advs.) at that, the same, which, etc., time; simultaneously. (b)or sim. advl. phrs., at, etc., a time suited to oneself; at, etc., one's proper time (c) at (fixed regular, etc.) times. (d) at that time; at the same time; for the moment, at the time.
A season (of the year); spring. (v) any recurrent period, phase.
Meum tempus ōtiō est parvum.Compare My time for leisure is small.
Tempus fugit; hōrae fugiunt; senectūs venit.Compare Time flees; the hours flee; old age is coming.
Profunda super nos altitudo temporis veniet, pauca ingenia caput exerent et in idem quandoque silentium abitura oblivioni resistent ac se diu vindicabunt.Compare The deep flood of time will roll over us; some few great men will raise their heads above it, and, though destined at the last to depart into the same realms of silence, will battle against oblivion and maintain their ground for long.
Nullus est in res publica causa meus proprius; tempus vero ago sum magis ego proprius quam ceteriCompare There is no interest in the republic exclusively my own; but the time of action belonged more peculiarly to me than to the rest.
Atqui sum is tempus clarus et fortis consul.Compare But there was at that time a most illustrious and brave consul.
Convocatus ad concilium praefectus eques, venio tempus victoria demonstro.Compare The commanders of the cavalry having been summoned to a council, he shows that the time for victory has come.
Is ita moderor cursus navis iubeo, ut idem tempus exercitus ostendo et classis portus intro.Compare He had been ordered so to regulate the course of the vessels, that the army might become visible and the fleet enter the harbour at the same time.
Tempus habeo talis, qualis nemo habeo unquam.Compare You have an opportunity, such as no one has ever had.
Singular | Plural | |
Nom. | tempus | tempora |
Gen. | temporis | temporum |
Dat. | temporī | temporibus |
Acc. | tempus | tempora |
Abl. | tempore | temporibus |
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Pierson, Nick. "Sound of Text." Accessed October 26, 2019. https://soundoftext.com.
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Chicago (17th ed.)
Allo Contributors. "tempus, temporis (n.) - Latin Word Definition." Allo Latin Dictionary. Last modified . Accessed March 6, 2025. http://ancientlanguages.org/latin/dictionary/tempus-temporis.
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