saxum is a Latin Noun that primarily means rock.
rock, stone
English derivatives:
saxatile saxifrage saxicolous
A detached or isolated mass of stone, a rock, boulder. (b) (used as a missile). (c) (in references to the execution of criminals, etc., by throwing them from a rock; spec., from the Tarpeian Rock at Rome). (d) (applied disparagingly to a rocky island). (e) (spec.) a rock on the Aventine Hill at Rome from which Remus was said to have taken the auguries. (f) (as a type of dullness or stupidity; also, of heartlessness). (g) (prov., w. ref. to the stone of Sisyphus).
Stone or rock as a material. (b) stone of a specified kind; ~um rubrum, red tufa (see RVBER); ~um Magnesium, a magnet, lodestone (see MAGNESIVS). (c) a detergent clay, perh. bentonite.
Stone, or a piece of stone, shaped or adapted for a specific purpose: (a) (for building). (b) (for grinding corn). (c) (for sharpening blades). (d) (as a cutting implement, in quot. w. silex in appos.); (prov.) inter sacrum ~umque, in a tight corner; see SACRVM. (e) (as a boundary-stone). (f) (as a tombstone; also, applied to a sarcophagus).
Adulescens, tam etsi properas te hoc saxum rogat ut sese aspicias, deinde quod scriptum est legas. Hic sunt poetae Pacuvi Marci sita Ossa. Hoc volebam nescius ne esses. Vale. (Epigramma)Compare Young man, though you hurry past, this stone would have you look at it and read what is written here. Here lie the bones of the poet Marcus Pacuvius. I would not have you wholly ignorant of him. Farewell. [Epitaph on himself]
Inde, per praeruptus eoque neglectus hostis custodia saxum, in Capitolium evado.Compare From thence, he climbs up the Capitol by a rock, precipitous and therefore neglected by the enemy's sentinels.
Nihil enim hic in locus, nisi saxum et mons, cogito.Compare For I used to think that there was nothing in these places except rocks and mountains.
Horatia sepulchrum, qui locus corruo ictus, construo saxum quadratus.Compare The tomb of Horatia was built of squared stone, on the spot where she had fallen when struck.
Singular | Plural | |
Nom. | saxum | saxa |
Gen. | saxī | saxōrum |
Dat. | saxō | saxīs |
Acc. | saxum | saxa |
Abl. | saxō | saxīs |
Allen, Joseph H. Allen and Greenough's New Latin Grammar for Schools and Colleges: Founded on Comparative Grammar. Edited by James B. Greenough, George L. Kittredge, Albert A. Howard, and Benjamin L. D'Ooge. Boston, MA: Ginn & Company, 1903.
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Chicago (17th ed.)
Allo Contributors. "saxum, saxī (n.) - Latin Word Definition." Allo Latin Dictionary. Last modified . Accessed March 12, 2025. http://ancientlanguages.org/latin/dictionary/saxum-saxi.
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