rēctus is a Latin Adjective that primarily means straight.
straight, right
rēctum, -ī, n., the right, virtue
Straight (as opposed to crooked); intestinum ~um, the rectum; in ~um, along a straight line. (b) (of the features, etc.) straight, not contorted. (c) (of enunciation) even, level.
(of a route) Straight, direct. (b) (abl.) ~a uia, etc., by a direct route, straight; (transf.) by direct means. (c) (in advl. phrs., in abl. or w. prep.) providing a straight route (in transl. 'straight along', 'through', etc.). (d) in ~um, in a straight line, straightforward.
(of motion) Proceeding in a straight line. (b) (pred.) moving, or moved, in a straight line.
(of actions) Proceeding in a straightforward manner, direct. (b) (of expression) straightforward, direct; (also of a speaker). (c) not involving an intermediate agency, direct.
Directed squarely at anything or facing squarely; ~a fronte, etc., with a square front, on the square. (b) (of the eyes) facing directly, looking squarely (at something).
Est modus in rebus, sunt ceti denique fines, quos ultra citraque nequit consistere rectum.Compare There are fixed limits beyond which and short of which right cannot find a resting place.
Interdum volgus rectum videt, est ubi peccat.Compare At times the world sees straight: there are occasions when it goes wrong.
Ut natura dedit, sic omnis recta figura est: turpis Romano Belgicus ore color.Compare As nature made it, every face is right; Belgian rouge disgraces Roman cheeks.
Quoniam rectus consilium haud bene evenio, pravus utor coepi.Compare Since just plans had not turned out well, he began to use base ones.
Dico ex is quidam Athenienses scio, qui rectus sum, sed facio nolo.Compare One of them said that the Athenians knew what was right, but were unwilling to practise it.
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Pierson, Nick. "Sound of Text." Accessed October 26, 2019. https://soundoftext.com.
Wheelock, Frederick M. Wheelock's Latin. 6th ed. Revised by Richard A. LaFleur. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers, 2005.
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Chicago (17th ed.)
Allo Contributors. "rēctus, rēcta, rēctum (adj.) - Latin Word Definition." Allo Latin Dictionary. Last modified . Accessed March 12, 2025. http://ancientlanguages.org/latin/dictionary/rectus-recta-rectum.
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