quod is a Latin Conjunction that primarily means because.
(as connective particle, referring to what precedes) As to whjich, wherefore, now, etc., (often w. some adversative force) but: (a) (introducing sentences opening w. conditional, temporal, and other cls.; w. nisi, quoniam, and, esp., si sts. written as one word). (b) (introducing wishes and adjurations; also other types of sentence).
(introducing a noun cl. prepared for by a neut. pron. in the main sentence expr. a fact or circumstance) That; in eo~, or hoc~, in that, inasmuch as. (b) (introducing a cl. amplifying a noun in the main sentence, esp. one qualified by a demonstrative pron.). (c) (introducing a cl. amplifying an adv. or advl. phr. expr. cause; cf. sense II).
(introducing a cl. stating an event from which a period of time is reckoned) That. (b) (after exprs. denoting a moment at which that; tantum~, only just (see TANTVM).
Vēritās saepe nōn scītur (sciētur, scīta est), quod studium eius est difficile.Compare Truth often is not known (will not be known, was not known), because the study of it is difficult.
Cornelii solliciti caelum spectaverunt quod iam advesperascebat.Compare The Cornelii looked anxiously at the sky because it was already getting dark.
Ipse enim se quisque diligit, non ut aliquam a se ipse mercedem exigat caritatis suae, sed quod per se quisque sibi carus est; quod nisi idem in amicitiam transferetur, verus amicus numquam reperetur: est enim is qui est tamquam alter idem.Compare Everyone loves himself, not with a view of acquiring some profit for himself from his self-love, but because he is dear to himself on his own account; and unless this same thing were transferred to friendship, the real friend would never be found; for he is, as it were, another self.
Laeta est Flāvia quod Cornēlia iam in vīllā habitat.Compare Flavia is happy because Cornelia is now living in the country house.
Mirum videtur quod sit factum iam diu?Compare Does it seem marvelous because it was done long ago?
Infelix est Mucius, quod dextra ignes hostium premit et ipse a se exigit errores sui poenas? Quod regem, quem armata manu non potuit, exusta fugat? Quid ergo? Felicior esset, si in sinu amicae foveret manum?Compare Is Mucius unfortunate because he grasps the flames of the enemy with his right hand and forces himself to pay the penalty of his mistake? Because with his charred hand he routs the king whom his armed hand he could not rout? Tell me, then, would he be happier if he were warming his hand in his mistress's bosom?
Divine Plato esca malum voluptas appello, quod is videlicet homo capio, ut hamus piscis.Compare Plato admirably calls pleasure the bait of sin, because by it, as he explains, men are caught, as fish by a hook.
Nunc vero nec locus tibi ullus dulcior esse debet patria nec eam minus diligere debes, quod deformior est, sed misereri potius.Compare No place should be dearer to you than your homeland, nor should you love it less because it has grown uglier, but rather pity it the more.
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Gildersleeve, Basil L., and Gonzales Lodge. Gildersleeve's Latin Grammar: Third Edition, Revised, and Enlarged. 3rd ed. London, England: Macmillan and Co., 1903.
Glare, Peter G.W. Oxford Latin Dictionary. Vols. 1-8. Oxford, England: Clarendon Press, 1982.
Krüger, Bernd. "Latin Conjugation Tables." Cactus2000. Accessed May 5, 2023. https://latin.cactus2000.de/index.en.php.
Pierson, Nick. "Sound of Text." Accessed October 26, 2019. https://soundoftext.com.
Wheelock, Frederick M. Wheelock's Latin. 6th ed. Revised by Richard A. LaFleur. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers, 2005.
Wiktionary Contributors. "Victionarium." Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. Updated March 18, 2019. https://la.wiktionary.org/wiki/Victionarium:Pagina_prima.
Chicago (17th ed.)
Allo Contributors. "quod (conj.) - Latin Word Definition." Allo Latin Dictionary. Last modified . Accessed March 12, 2025. http://ancientlanguages.org/latin/dictionary/quod.
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