prōpōnere is a Latin Verb that primarily means to put forward.
put forward, propose
To expose to view, exhibit. (b) (w. uenalis or alone) to put out, expose (for sale).
To set or post up (a notice, etc.). (b) to post up (a law, etc., or the terms of one prior to enactment); (transf.) to publish, enact (a law, edict, etc.). (c) to post up (names). (d) to give notice of, announce (an award or sim).
To place before, expose (to).
To place in front (of).
To hold up (to the mind), bring to the attention. (b) (usu. w, ante oculos, animo, sibi, and sim.) to picture to oneself, imagine. (c) to keep (before one), bear in mind. (d) to hold up as a model or example.
Rursus, quid virtus et quid sapientia possit, utile proposuit nobis exemplar Ulixen.Compare Again, of the power of virtue and wisdom he has given a profitable example in Ulysses.
Pars hominum vitiis gaudet constanter et urget propositum; pars multa natat, modo recte capessens, interdum pravis obnoxia.Compare A part of the world finds its pleasure consistently in vice and keeps steady to its purpose. Another and a larger part wavers, at one moment setting its hands to what is right, at another giving way to evil.
Quid est igitur propositum his rei publicae gubernatoribus, quod intueri et quo cursum suum derigere debeant?Compare What then is the objective of those who are at the helm of government, which they should never lose sight of, toward which they ought to set their course?
Sine auctore vero propositi libelli nullo crimine locum habent debere. Nam et pessimi exempli, nec nostri saeculi est. (Traianus Plinio)Compare Information without the accuser's name subscribed must not be admitted in evidence against anyone, as it is introducing a very dangerous precedent, and by no mean agreeable to the spirit of the age. [Trajan to Pliny, on Christians]
Eratosthenes, qui ego propono, a Serapion et ab Hipparchus valde reprehendo.Compare Eratosthenes, whom I had proposed to myself as an example, is greatly blamed by Serapion and by Hipparchus.
Indicative present | Indicative imperfect |
prōpōnō prōpōnis prōpōnit prōpōnimus prōpōnitis prōpōnunt | prōpōnēbam prōpōnēbās prōpōnēbat prōpōnēbāmus prōpōnēbātis prōpōnēbant |
Indicative perfect | Indicative pluperfect |
prōposuī prōposuistī prōposuit prōposuimus prōposuistis prōposuērunt / prōposuēre | prōposueram prōposuerās prōposuerat prōposuerāmus prōposuerātis prōposuerant |
Indicative future | Indicative future perfect |
prōpōnam prōpōnēs prōpōnet prōpōnēmus prōpōnētis prōpōnent | prōposuerō prōposueris prōposuerit prōposuerimus prōposueritis prōposuerint |
Subjunctive present | Subjunctive imperfect |
prōpōnam prōpōnās prōpōnat prōpōnāmus prōpōnātis prōpōnant | prōpōnerem prōpōnerēs prōpōneret prōpōnerēmus prōpōnerētis prōpōnerent |
Subjunctive perfect | Subjunctive pluperfect |
prōposuerim prōposueris prōposuerit prōposuerimus prōposueritis prōposuerint | prōposuissem prōposuissēs prōposuisset prōposuissēmus prōposuissētis prōposuissent |
Infinitive present prōpōnere Infinitive perfect prōposuisse Infinitive future prōpositūrum esse | Imperative present prōpōne prōpōnite Imperative future prōpōnitō prōpōnitō prōpōnitōte prōpōnuntō |
Indicative present | Indicative imperfect |
prōpōnor prōpōneris prōpōnitur prōpōnimur prōpōniminī prōpōnuntur | prōpōnēbar prōpōnēbāris / prōpōnēbāre prōpōnēbātur prōpōnēbāmur prōpōnēbāminī prōpōnēbantur |
Indicative perfect | Indicative pluperfect |
prōpositus sum prōpositus es prōpositus est prōpositī sumus prōpositī estis prōpositī sunt | prōpositus eram prōpositus erās prōpositus erat prōpositī erāmus prōpositī erātis prōpositī erant |
Indicative future | Indicative future perfect |
prōpōnar prōpōnēris / prōpōnēre prōpōnētur prōpōnēmur prōpōnēminī prōpōnentur | prōpositus erō prōpositus eris prōpositus erit prōpositī erimus prōpositī eritis prōpositī erunt |
Subjunctive present | Subjunctive imperfect |
prōpōnar prōpōnāris / prōpōnāre prōpōnātur prōpōnāmur prōpōnāminī prōpōnantur | prōpōnerer prōpōnerēris / prōpōnerēre prōpōnerētur prōpōnerēmur prōpōnerēminī prōpōnerentur |
Subjunctive perfect | Subjunctive pluperfect |
prōpositus sim prōpositus sīs prōpositus sit prōpositī sīmus prōpositī sītis prōpositī sint | prōpositus essem prōpositus essēs prōpositus esset prōpositī essēmus prōpositī essētis prōpositī essent |
Infinitive present prōpōnī Infinitive perfect prōpositum esse Infinitive future prōpositum īrī | Imperative present prōpōnere prōpōniminī Imperative future prōpōnitor prōpōnitor - prōpōnuntor |
Participle present active | ||
Nom. | prōpōnēns | prōpōnentēs |
Gen. | prōpōnentis | prōpōnentium |
Dat. | prōpōnentī | prōpōnentibus |
Acc. | prōpōnentem | prōpōnentēs |
Abl. | prōpōnente | prōpōnentibus |
Participle future active | ||
Nom. | prōpositūrus | prōpositūrī |
Gen. | prōpositūrī | prōpositūrōrum |
Dat. | prōpositūrō | prōpositūrīs |
Acc. | prōpositūrum | prōpositūrōs |
Abl. | prōpositūrō | prōpositūrīs |
Participle perfect passive | ||
Nom. | prōpositus | prōpositī |
Gen. | prōpositī | prōpositōrum |
Dat. | prōpositō | prōpositīs |
Acc. | prōpositum | prōpositōs |
Abl. | prōpositō | prōpositīs |
Gerundive | ||
Nom. | prōpōnendus | prōpōnendī |
Gen. | prōpōnendī | prōpōnendōrum |
Dat. | prōpōnendō | prōpōnendīs |
Acc. | prōpōnendum | prōpōnendōs |
Abl. | prōpōnendō | prōpōnendīs |
Gerund | Supine | |
Nom. | prōpōnere | prōpositum |
Gen. | prōpōnendī | prōpositū |
Dat. | prōpōnendō | |
Acc. | prōpōnendum | |
Abl. | prōpōnendō |
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Chicago (17th ed.)
Allo Contributors. "prōpōnō, prōpōnere, prōposuī, prōpositum (v.) - Latin Word Definition." Allo Latin Dictionary. Last modified . Accessed March 30, 2025. http://ancientlanguages.org/latin/dictionary/propono-proponere-proposui-propositum.
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