prohibēre is a Latin Verb that primarily means to prevent.
to keep (back), prevent, hinder, restrain, prohibit
English derivatives:
prohibitive prohibition prohibitory
To keep (usu. persons) at a distance (from a place), keep off, hold at bay, exclude, etc. (b) to keep apart (from a person or sim.). (c) To keep off (rain and other physical conditions, pests, or sim.); (also, moral conditions from a person).
(esp. of gods) To avert (a danger, threat).
To keep (persons or things) safe, defend, protect (from).
To keep (a person from doing something), prevent, stop, restrain: (a) (w. abl., ab, de, etc.). (b) (w. inf.). (c) (w. ne, quominus, or, in negative context, quin; also, w. subj. alone). (d) (w. simple acc. of person).
To make (an action, etc.) impossible, prevent, preclude.
Cicerō hostēs ab urbe prohibuit.Compare Cicero kept the enemy away from the city.
Nōs ā scientiā prohibēre vōlent virī līberī; sed tyrannī maximē sīc volunt.Compare Free men will not wish to keep us from knowledge; but tyrants especially so wish.
Sequor, qui capio signum ab hostis prohibeo.Compare Let those follow, who are going to prevent the standard from being taken by the enemy.
Is Pompeius interpello, et loquor multus prohibeo.Compare Pompey interrupted him, and prevented him from saying more.
Indicative present | Indicative imperfect |
prohibeō prohibēs prohibet prohibēmus prohibētis prohibent | prohibēbam prohibēbās prohibēbat prohibēbāmus prohibēbātis prohibēbant |
Indicative perfect | Indicative pluperfect |
prohibuī prohibuistī prohibuit prohibuimus prohibuistis prohibuērunt / prohibuēre | prohibueram prohibuerās prohibuerat prohibuerāmus prohibuerātis prohibuerant |
Indicative future | Indicative future perfect |
prohibēbō prohibēbis prohibēbit prohibēbimus prohibēbitis prohibēbunt | prohibuerō prohibueris prohibuerit prohibuerimus prohibueritis prohibuerint |
Subjunctive present | Subjunctive imperfect |
prohibeam prohibeās prohibeat prohibeāmus prohibeātis prohibeant | prohibērem prohibērēs prohibēret prohibērēmus prohibērētis prohibērent |
Subjunctive perfect | Subjunctive pluperfect |
prohibuerim prohibueris prohibuerit prohibuerimus prohibueritis prohibuerint | prohibuissem prohibuissēs prohibuisset prohibuissēmus prohibuissētis prohibuissent |
Infinitive present prohibēre Infinitive perfect prohibuisse Infinitive future prohibitūrum esse | Imperative present prohibē prohibēte Imperative future prohibētō prohibētō prohibētōte prohibentō |
Indicative present | Indicative imperfect |
prohibeor prohibēris prohibētur prohibēmur prohibēminī prohibentur | prohibēbar prohibēbāris / prohibēbāre prohibēbātur prohibēbāmur prohibēbāminī prohibēbantur |
Indicative perfect | Indicative pluperfect |
prohibitus sum prohibitus es prohibitus est prohibitī sumus prohibitī estis prohibitī sunt | prohibitus eram prohibitus erās prohibitus erat prohibitī erāmus prohibitī erātis prohibitī erant |
Indicative future | Indicative future perfect |
prohibēbor prohibēberis / prohibēbere prohibēbitur prohibēbimur prohibēbiminī prohibēbuntur | prohibitus erō prohibitus eris prohibitus erit prohibitī erimus prohibitī eritis prohibitī erunt |
Subjunctive present | Subjunctive imperfect |
prohibear prohibeāris / prohibeāre prohibeātur prohibeāmur prohibeāminī prohibeantur | prohibērer prohibērēris / prohibērēre prohibērētur prohibērēmur prohibērēminī prohibērentur |
Subjunctive perfect | Subjunctive pluperfect |
prohibitus sim prohibitus sīs prohibitus sit prohibitī sīmus prohibitī sītis prohibitī sint | prohibitus essem prohibitus essēs prohibitus esset prohibitī essēmus prohibitī essētis prohibitī essent |
Infinitive present prohibērī Infinitive perfect prohibitum esse Infinitive future prohibitum īrī | Imperative present prohibēre prohibēminī Imperative future prohibētor prohibētor - prohibentor |
Participle present active | ||
Nom. | prohibēns | prohibentēs |
Gen. | prohibentis | prohibentium |
Dat. | prohibentī | prohibentibus |
Acc. | prohibentem | prohibentēs |
Abl. | prohibente | prohibentibus |
Participle future active | ||
Nom. | prohibitūrus | prohibitūrī |
Gen. | prohibitūrī | prohibitūrōrum |
Dat. | prohibitūrō | prohibitūrīs |
Acc. | prohibitūrum | prohibitūrōs |
Abl. | prohibitūrō | prohibitūrīs |
Participle perfect passive | ||
Nom. | prohibitus | prohibitī |
Gen. | prohibitī | prohibitōrum |
Dat. | prohibitō | prohibitīs |
Acc. | prohibitum | prohibitōs |
Abl. | prohibitō | prohibitīs |
Gerundive | ||
Nom. | prohibendus | prohibendī |
Gen. | prohibendī | prohibendōrum |
Dat. | prohibendō | prohibendīs |
Acc. | prohibendum | prohibendōs |
Abl. | prohibendō | prohibendīs |
Gerund | Supine | |
Nom. | prohibēre | prohibitum |
Gen. | prohibendī | prohibitū |
Dat. | prohibendō | |
Acc. | prohibendum | |
Abl. | prohibendō |
Allen, Joseph H. Allen and Greenough's New Latin Grammar for Schools and Colleges: Founded on Comparative Grammar. Edited by James B. Greenough, George L. Kittredge, Albert A. Howard, and Benjamin L. D'Ooge. Boston, MA: Ginn & Company, 1903.
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Pierson, Nick. "Sound of Text." Accessed October 26, 2019. https://soundoftext.com.
Wheelock, Frederick M. Wheelock's Latin. 6th ed. Revised by Richard A. LaFleur. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers, 2005.
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Chicago (17th ed.)
Allo Contributors. "prohibeō, prohibēre, prohibuī, prohibitum (v.) - Latin Word Definition." Allo Latin Dictionary. Last modified . Accessed March 31, 2025. http://ancientlanguages.org/latin/dictionary/prohibeo-prohibere-prohibui-prohibitum.
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