petere is a Latin Verb that primarily means to seek.
to seek, aim at, beg, bessech
English derivatives:
appetite compete competent impetuous petition petulant repeat
To direct one's course to (a person, place, etc.), make for, resort to, or sim. (b) to reach out for. (c) (of inanim. things) to go in the direction of. (d) to move towards in falling. (e) (transf.) to go over to, join (a party). (f) to betake oneself to, resort to (a course of action).
To make for with hostile intent, go for, attack. (b) (transf.) to attack or menace with actions, words, etc. (c) to make an attempt on the life of. (d) (of adverse omens) to be directed at.
To aim at or strike (with a weapon, missile, etc.). (b) (with the weapon as subj.).
To go after, chase, pursue. (b) (fig.) to aim at equalling, emulate (exploits).
To go in quest of, hunt out, search for.
Cum exposuisset quid peteret, negāvistī tantum auxilium posse offerrī.Compare When he had explained what he was seeking, you (sg.) said that such great aid could not be offered.
Ā tē petō ut pāx fīat.Compare I beg of you that peace be made.
Ā tē petō ut ex nāve ad īnsulam brevī tempore redeās.Compare I beg of you to return from the ship to the island in a short time.
Et veniam pro laude peto: laudatus abunde, non fastiditus si tibi, lector, ero.Compare Indulgence, then, instead of praise, I ask; I shall have abundance of praise if you do not disdain me, reader.
Venia civitas peto, civis temeritas bis iam ante eversus, incolumis futurus iterum hostis beneficium.Compare They sought pardon for their state, which had been already twice previously ruined by the rashness of its citizens, and was about to be again safe through the kindness of its enemies.
Iuvat integros accedere fontis atque haurire, iuvatque novos decerpere flores insignemque meo capiti petere inde coronam unde prius nulli velarint tempora musae; primum quod magnis doceo de rebus et artis religionum animum nodis exsolvere pergo, deinde quod obscura de re tam lucida pango carmina, musaeo contingens cuncta lepore.Compare I love to approach virgin springs and there to drink: I love to pluck fresh flowers, and to seek an illustrious chaplet for my head from fields whence ere this the Muses have crowned the brows of none; first because my teaching is of high matters, and I proceed to unloose the mind from the close knots of religion; next because the subject is so dark and the lines I write so clear, as I touch all with the Muses's grace.
Quod ne facias pro iure nostrae amicitiae a te peto.Compare In the name of our friendship, I ask you not to do it.
Indicative present | Indicative imperfect |
petō petis petit petimus petitis petunt | petēbam petēbās petēbat petēbāmus petēbātis petēbant |
Indicative perfect | Indicative pluperfect |
petīvī / petiī petīvistī / petiistī petīvit / petiit petīvimus / petiimus petīvistis / petiistis petīvērunt / petīvēre / petiērunt / petiēre | petīveram / petieram petīverās / petierās petīverat / petierat petīverāmus / petierāmus petīverātis / petierātis petīverant / petierant |
Indicative future | Indicative future perfect |
petam petēs petet petēmus petētis petent | petīverō / petierō petīveris / petieris petīverit / petierit petīverimus / petierimus petīveritis / petieritis petīverint / petierint |
Subjunctive present | Subjunctive imperfect |
petam petās petat petāmus petātis petant | peterem peterēs peteret peterēmus peterētis peterent |
Subjunctive perfect | Subjunctive pluperfect |
petīverim / petierim petīveris / petieris petīverit / petierit petīverimus / petierimus petīveritis / petieritis petīverint / petierint | petīvissem / petiissem petīvissēs / petiissēs petīvisset / petiisset petīvissēmus / petiissēmus petīvissētis / petiissētis petīvissent / petiissent |
Infinitive present petere Infinitive perfect petīvisse / petiisse Infinitive future petītūrum esse | Imperative present pete petite Imperative future petitō petitō petitōte petuntō |
Indicative present | Indicative imperfect |
petor peteris petitur petimur petiminī petuntur | petēbar petēbāris / petēbāre petēbātur petēbāmur petēbāminī petēbantur |
Indicative perfect | Indicative pluperfect |
petītus sum petītus es petītus est petītī sumus petītī estis petītī sunt | petītus eram petītus erās petītus erat petītī erāmus petītī erātis petītī erant |
Indicative future | Indicative future perfect |
petar petēris / petēre petētur petēmur petēminī petentur | petītus erō petītus eris petītus erit petītī erimus petītī eritis petītī erunt |
Subjunctive present | Subjunctive imperfect |
petar petāris / petāre petātur petāmur petāminī petantur | peterer peterēris / peterēre peterētur peterēmur peterēminī peterentur |
Subjunctive perfect | Subjunctive pluperfect |
petītus sim petītus sīs petītus sit petītī sīmus petītī sītis petītī sint | petītus essem petītus essēs petītus esset petītī essēmus petītī essētis petītī essent |
Infinitive present petī Infinitive perfect petītum esse Infinitive future petītum īrī | Imperative present petere petiminī Imperative future petitor petitor - petuntor |
Participle present active | ||
Nom. | petēns | petentēs |
Gen. | petentis | petentium |
Dat. | petentī | petentibus |
Acc. | petentem | petentēs |
Abl. | petente | petentibus |
Participle future active | ||
Nom. | petītūrus | petītūrī |
Gen. | petītūrī | petītūrōrum |
Dat. | petītūrō | petītūrīs |
Acc. | petītūrum | petītūrōs |
Abl. | petītūrō | petītūrīs |
Participle perfect passive | ||
Nom. | petītus | petītī |
Gen. | petītī | petītōrum |
Dat. | petītō | petītīs |
Acc. | petītum | petītōs |
Abl. | petītō | petītīs |
Gerundive | ||
Nom. | petendus | petendī |
Gen. | petendī | petendōrum |
Dat. | petendō | petendīs |
Acc. | petendum | petendōs |
Abl. | petendō | petendīs |
Gerund | Supine | |
Nom. | petere | petītum |
Gen. | petendī | petītū |
Dat. | petendō | |
Acc. | petendum | |
Abl. | petendō |
Allen, Joseph H. Allen and Greenough's New Latin Grammar for Schools and Colleges: Founded on Comparative Grammar. Edited by James B. Greenough, George L. Kittredge, Albert A. Howard, and Benjamin L. D'Ooge. Boston, MA: Ginn & Company, 1903.
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Pierson, Nick. "Sound of Text." Accessed October 26, 2019. https://soundoftext.com.
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Chicago (17th ed.)
Allo Contributors. "petō, petere, petīvī, petītum (v.) - Latin Word Definition." Allo Latin Dictionary. Last modified . Accessed March 31, 2025. http://ancientlanguages.org/latin/dictionary/peto-petere-petivi-petitum.
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