odium is a Latin Noun that primarily means hatred.
English derivatives:
odium odious annoy ennui noisome
A feeling of aversion, hatred, dislike, antipathy. (b) (with subjective gen.). (c) (with objective gen. or equivalent possessive adj.). (d) (with in+acc., and other preps.). (e) (pred, dat.). (f) (transf., of inanim. things).
(pl.) Particular manifestations of hatred, hatred felt by or towards several people, etc.
The fact or condition of being hated or disliked, odium, unpopularity; esp. (b) in ~io esse, ~ium habere, to be hated or disliked; in ~ium uenire, etc., to incur odium.
Abeat ā patriā iste homō malus quī odium omnium cīvium bonōrum passus est.Compare Let that evil man depart from his country—he who has endured the hatred of all good citizens.
Odiō tyrannī in exsilium fūgit.Compare Because of his hatred of the tyrant he fled into exile.
Hoc tempore obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit. [Andria, 67]Compare Nowadays, flattery wins friends, truth begets hatred.
Luctantur pecusque leve in contraris tendunt hac amor hac odium, sed, puto, vincit amor. Odero, si potero; si non, invitus amabo.Compare Struggling over my fickle heart, love draws it now this way, and now that - but love, I think, is winning. I will hate, if I have strength; if not, I shall love unwilling.
Speciosius aliquanto iniuriae beneficiis vincuntur quam mutui odii pertinacia pensantur.Compare It is nobler to wipe out wrongs with kindess than to go on stubbornly paying back hatred with hatred.
Beneficia eo usque laeta sunt, dum videntur exsolvi posse; ubi multum antevener, pro gratia odium redditur.Compare Benefits received are a delight to us as long as we think we can requite them; when that possibility is far exceeded, they are repaid with hatred instead of gratitude.
Singular | Plural | |
Nom. | odium | odia |
Gen. | odiī | odiōrum |
Dat. | odiō | odiīs |
Acc. | odium | odia |
Abl. | odiō | odiīs |
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Chicago (17th ed.)
Allo Contributors. "odium, odiī (n.) - Latin Word Definition." Allo Latin Dictionary. Last modified . Accessed March 12, 2025. http://ancientlanguages.org/latin/dictionary/odium-odii.
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