indicāre is a Latin Verb that primarily means to expose.
indicate, expose, accuse
(in general) To make known, point out, reveal, declare. (b) to give the essential information about.
To disclose (something secret or confidential, esp. of an incriminating nature), divulge, betray. (b) to give away (a person), inform on, etc. (c) (ellipt. or absol.) to lay information; (also w. de).
(of things) To be an indication of, reveal, disclose, show.
To fix the selling-price of (a commodity), price.
(indīcō 2, indīcere, indīxi, indīctum) To give formal notice of, proclaim (a public meeting, festival, etc.). (b) exercitum ~cere to announce the assembling of an army (at a given place),
Paratae lacrimae insidias non fletum indicant.Compare Ready tears are a sign of treachery, not of grief.
Hic tu, iuventus Romanus, indico bellum.Compare We, the Roman youth, declare a war of this kind aginst you.
An hic satis dignus causa sum, cur patria indico bellum?Compare Or was this a sufficiently good reason for your proclaiming war against your country?
Indicative present | Indicative imperfect |
indicō indicās indicat indicāmus indicātis indicant | indicābam indicābās indicābat indicābāmus indicābātis indicābant |
Indicative perfect | Indicative pluperfect |
indicāvī indicāvistī indicāvit indicāvimus indicāvistis indicāvērunt / indicāvēre | indicāveram indicāverās indicāverat indicāverāmus indicāverātis indicāverant |
Indicative future | Indicative future perfect |
indicābō indicābis indicābit indicābimus indicābitis indicābunt | indicāverō indicāveris indicāverit indicāverimus indicāveritis indicāverint |
Subjunctive present | Subjunctive imperfect |
indicem indicēs indicet indicēmus indicētis indicent | indicārem indicārēs indicāret indicārēmus indicārētis indicārent |
Subjunctive perfect | Subjunctive pluperfect |
indicāverim indicāveris indicāverit indicāverimus indicāveritis indicāverint | indicāvissem indicāvissēs indicāvisset indicāvissēmus indicāvissētis indicāvissent |
Infinitive present indicāre Infinitive perfect indicāvisse Infinitive future indicātūrum esse | Imperative present indicā indicāte Imperative future indicātō indicātō indicātōte indicantō |
Indicative present | Indicative imperfect |
indicor indicāris indicātur indicāmur indicāminī indicantur | indicābar indicābāris / indicābāre indicābātur indicābāmur indicābāminī indicābantur |
Indicative perfect | Indicative pluperfect |
indicātus sum indicātus es indicātus est indicātī sumus indicātī estis indicātī sunt | indicātus eram indicātus erās indicātus erat indicātī erāmus indicātī erātis indicātī erant |
Indicative future | Indicative future perfect |
indicābor indicāberis / indicābere indicābitur indicābimur indicābiminī indicābuntur | indicātus erō indicātus eris indicātus erit indicātī erimus indicātī eritis indicātī erunt |
Subjunctive present | Subjunctive imperfect |
indicer indicēris / indicēre indicētur indicēmur indicēminī indicentur | indicārer indicārēris / indicārēre indicārētur indicārēmur indicārēminī indicārentur |
Subjunctive perfect | Subjunctive pluperfect |
indicātus sim indicātus sīs indicātus sit indicātī sīmus indicātī sītis indicātī sint | indicātus essem indicātus essēs indicātus esset indicātī essēmus indicātī essētis indicātī essent |
Infinitive present indicārī Infinitive perfect indicātum esse Infinitive future indicātum īrī | Imperative present indicāre indicāminī Imperative future indicātor indicātor - indicāntor |
Participle present active | ||
Nom. | indicāns | indicantēs |
Gen. | indicantis | indicantium |
Dat. | indicantī | indicantibus |
Acc. | indicantem | indicantēs |
Abl. | indicante | indicantibus |
Participle future active | ||
Nom. | indicātūrus | indicātūrī |
Gen. | indicātūrī | indicātūrōrum |
Dat. | indicātūrō | indicātūrīs |
Acc. | indicātūrum | indicātūrōs |
Abl. | indicātūrō | indicātūrīs |
Participle perfect passive | ||
Nom. | indicātus | indicātī |
Gen. | indicātī | indicātōrum |
Dat. | indicātō | indicātīs |
Acc. | indicātum | indicātōs |
Abl. | indicātō | indicātīs |
Gerundive | ||
Nom. | indicandus | indicandī |
Gen. | indicandī | indicandōrum |
Dat. | indicandō | indicandīs |
Acc. | indicandum | indicandōs |
Abl. | indicandō | indicandīs |
Gerund | Supine | |
Nom. | indicāre | indicātum |
Gen. | indicandī | indicātū |
Dat. | indicandō | |
Acc. | indicandum | |
Abl. | indicandō |
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Chicago (17th ed.)
Allo Contributors. "indicō, indicāre, indicāvī, indicātum (v.) - Latin Word Definition." Allo Latin Dictionary. Last modified . Accessed March 31, 2025. http://ancientlanguages.org/latin/dictionary/indico-indicare-indicavi-indicatum.
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