īgnis is a Latin Noun that primarily means fire.
English derivatives:
igneous ignite ignition
The process of combustion, fire, or a particular manifestation of this. (b) fire as an element or elemental substance.
A fire intentionally lit and used to provide warmth or light; (coupled w. aqua as the basic necessities of life: see AQVA). (b) used in religious ceremonial). (c) (used as an agency in various preparations and manufactures). (d) (for giving light). (e) (used for signalling.
Fire regarded as a destroying agency. (b) (in the form of a firebrand). (c) (as a means of torture or execution; also, in cautery). (d) (used for the cremation of dead bodies).
Ignem ex manibus puerī ēripuimus.Compare We snatched the fire from the hands of the boy.
Ubi fūmus, ibi ignis.Compare Where there's smoke, there's fire.
Iamque opus exegi quod nec Iovis ura nec ignis nec poterit ferrum edax abolere vetustas.Compare And now my work is done, which neither the wrath of Jove, nor fire, nor sword, nor the gnawing tooth of time shall ever be able to undo.
Cernis, ut ingentes murorum porrigat umbras campus, et e speculis moriens itnermicet ignis?Compare Seest thou how the plain outstretched the vast shadow of the wall, and how the dying fires flicker from the watch towers?
Solvitque animis miracula rerum eripuitque Iovi fulmen virisque Tonanti et sonitum ventis concessit, nubibus ignem.Compare From error thus the wond'ring minds uncharm'd unsceptred Jove; the Thunderer disarm'd of name and power dispoyl'd him, and assign'd fire to the labouring clouds, noise the wind.
Homo animus do ex ille sempiternus ignis, qui sidus et stella voco.Compare To man there was given a soul drawn from those everlasting fires, which you call constellations and stars.
Infelix est Mucius, quod dextra ignes hostium premit et ipse a se exigit errores sui poenas? Quod regem, quem armata manu non potuit, exusta fugat? Quid ergo? Felicior esset, si in sinu amicae foveret manum?Compare Is Mucius unfortunate because he grasps the flames of the enemy with his right hand and forces himself to pay the penalty of his mistake? Because with his charred hand he routs the king whom his armed hand he could not rout? Tell me, then, would he be happier if he were warming his hand in his mistress's bosom?
Singular | Plural | |
Nom. | īgnis | īgnēs |
Gen. | īgnis | īgnium |
Dat. | īgnī | īgnibus |
Acc. | īgnem | īgnīs / -ēs |
Abl. | īgnī / -e | īgnibus |
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Chicago (17th ed.)
Allo Contributors. "īgnis, īgnis (n.) - Latin Word Definition." Allo Latin Dictionary. Last modified . Accessed March 12, 2025. http://ancientlanguages.org/latin/dictionary/ignis-ignis.
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