hodiē is a Latin Adverb that primarily means today.
Today. (b) (in indefinite sense).
At the present time, in these days, now. (b) yet, still. (c) to this day, even now.
Hodiē audit (A) eōs venīre (hodiē); (B) eōs venīsse (herī); (c) eōs ventūrōs esse (mox). Compare Today he hears (A) that they are coming (today); (B) that they came (yesterday); (c) that they will come (soon).
Argentariis male credi qui aiunt, nugas praedicant. Nam et bene et male credi dico: id adeo hodie expertus sum. Non male creditur qui numquam reddunt, sed prorsum perit.Compare People that say bankers are ill trusted talk rubbish. Why, they are well trusted and ill trusted both, I tell you - and what is more, I have proved it myself this very day. Money is not ill trusted to men that never repay you; it is gone for good.
Non est, crede mihi, sapientis dicere "Vivam"; sera nimis vita est crastina: vive hodie.Compare Believe me, a wise man never says. "I shall live"; to live tomorrow is too late: live today.
Neque ego ego hodie quisquam assumo, qui quisquam malevolens ius possum offendo.Compare Nor do I today arrogate anything to myself, which can fairly offend any the most malicious person.
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Gildersleeve, Basil L., and Gonzales Lodge. Gildersleeve's Latin Grammar: Third Edition, Revised, and Enlarged. 3rd ed. London, England: Macmillan and Co., 1903.
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Pierson, Nick. "Sound of Text." Accessed October 26, 2019. https://soundoftext.com.
Wheelock, Frederick M. Wheelock's Latin. 6th ed. Revised by Richard A. LaFleur. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers, 2005.
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Chicago (17th ed.)
Allo Contributors. "hodiē (adv.) - Latin Word Definition." Allo Latin Dictionary. Last modified . Accessed March 20, 2025. http://ancientlanguages.org/latin/dictionary/hodie.
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