Graecus is a Latin Adjective that primarily means Greek.
Of or belonging to Greece or the Greeks, Greek. (b) of or composed in the Greek language. (c) (in names of special varieties of plants, animals, etc.); uinum ~um, wine made with sea-water or salted water; nux ~a, the sweet almond (the tree or its seed); faenum (fenum) ~um, the fodder-plant fenugreek; faba ~a, the nettle-tree (see FAENVM, FABA).
(as sb.): (a) (masc., esp. pl.) A Greek; also, a Greek scholar; Hellenist. (b) (fem.) a Greek woman; also, the Greek language. (c) (neut,) Greek speech, Greek; (pl.) Greek writings.
Ab eīs quaesīvimus cūr philosophiae Graecae studērent.Compare We asked them why they were studying Greek philosophy.
Rōmānī, quī decem rēs pūblicās Graecās exercitibus suīs cēperant, ipsī—mīrābile dictū—Graecīs artibus captī sunt!Compare The Romans, who had captured ten Greek republics with their own armies, were themselves—amazing to say—taken captive by the Greek arts!
Magnificus ille etiam, ut Graecus litterae non egeo.Compare This too is a great thing, that they are not without Greek literature.
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Chicago (17th ed.)
Allo Contributors. "Graecus, Graeca, Graecum (adj.) - Latin Word Definition." Allo Latin Dictionary. Last modified . Accessed March 12, 2025. http://ancientlanguages.org/latin/dictionary/graecus-graeca-graecum.
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