fovēre is a Latin Verb that primarily means to keep warm.
to comfort, nurture, cherish
English derivatives:
To make or keep warm, heat; esp. (b) to make warm and snug, protect from the cold; (often of incubating birds). (c) (poet.) to keep (a place) warm by close contact; (transf.) to make (cold weather) warm.
To give physical ease or comfort to, refresh, soothe, relieve, etc.; (in bad sense) to pamper, indulge.
(med.) To treat (parts of the body wounds, etc.) with soothing application (originally warm, later also cold), bathe foment, or sim. (b) to chafe, massage. (c) (app.) to make sweet, freshen (the breath or sim.).
To fondle, caress. (b) to 'hug', 'nurse' (one's wounds or sim.); (transf., one's sorrows).
To watch over the growth or development of, foster, nurture (persons or their faculties, organizations); (also, plants). (b) to minister to the needs of, tend (the sick, infirm, etc.). (c) to keep alive, feed (a fire).
Infelix est Mucius, quod dextra ignes hostium premit et ipse a se exigit errores sui poenas? Quod regem, quem armata manu non potuit, exusta fugat? Quid ergo? Felicior esset, si in sinu amicae foveret manum?Compare Is Mucius unfortunate because he grasps the flames of the enemy with his right hand and forces himself to pay the penalty of his mistake? Because with his charred hand he routs the king whom his armed hand he could not rout? Tell me, then, would he be happier if he were warming his hand in his mistress's bosom?
Munera ne poscas: det munera canus amator, ut foveat molli frigida membra sinu. Carior est auro iuvenis, cui levia fulgent ora nec amplexus aspera barba terit.Compare Never ask for gifts: let a white-haired lover offer them in order to warm his cold limbs against a soft bosom. More precious than gold is a young man: his face is shiny smooth with no beard to scratch in embrace.
Indicative present | Indicative imperfect |
foveō fovēs fovet fovēmus fovētis fovent | fovēbam fovēbās fovēbat fovēbāmus fovēbātis fovēbant |
Indicative perfect | Indicative pluperfect |
fōvī fōvistī fōvit fōvimus fōvistis fōvērunt / fōvēre | fōveram fōverās fōverat fōverāmus fōverātis fōverant |
Indicative future | Indicative future perfect |
fovēbō fovēbis fovēbit fovēbimus fovēbitis fovēbunt | fōverō fōveris fōverit fōverimus fōveritis fōverint |
Subjunctive present | Subjunctive imperfect |
foveam foveās foveat foveāmus foveātis foveant | fovērem fovērēs fovēret fovērēmus fovērētis fovērent |
Subjunctive perfect | Subjunctive pluperfect |
fōverim fōveris fōverit fōverimus fōveritis fōverint | fōvissem fōvissēs fōvisset fōvissēmus fōvissētis fōvissent |
Infinitive present fovēre Infinitive perfect fōvisse Infinitive future fōtūrum esse | Imperative present fovē fovēte Imperative future fovētō fovētō fovētōte foventō |
Indicative present | Indicative imperfect |
foveor fovēris fovētur fovēmur fovēminī foventur | fovēbar fovēbāris / fovēbāre fovēbātur fovēbāmur fovēbāminī fovēbantur |
Indicative perfect | Indicative pluperfect |
fōtus sum fōtus es fōtus est fōtī sumus fōtī estis fōtī sunt | fōtus eram fōtus erās fōtus erat fōtī erāmus fōtī erātis fōtī erant |
Indicative future | Indicative future perfect |
fovēbor fovēberis / fovēbere fovēbitur fovēbimur fovēbiminī fovēbuntur | fōtus erō fōtus eris fōtus erit fōtī erimus fōtī eritis fōtī erunt |
Subjunctive present | Subjunctive imperfect |
fovear foveāris / foveāre foveātur foveāmur foveāminī foveantur | fovērer fovērēris / fovērēre fovērētur fovērēmur fovērēminī fovērentur |
Subjunctive perfect | Subjunctive pluperfect |
fōtus sim fōtus sīs fōtus sit fōtī sīmus fōtī sītis fōtī sint | fōtus essem fōtus essēs fōtus esset fōtī essēmus fōtī essētis fōtī essent |
Infinitive present fovērī Infinitive perfect fōtum esse Infinitive future fōtum īrī | Imperative present fovēre fovēminī Imperative future fovētor fovētor - foventor |
Participle present active | ||
Nom. | fovēns | foventēs |
Gen. | foventis | foventium |
Dat. | foventī | foventibus |
Acc. | foventem | foventēs |
Abl. | fovente | foventibus |
Participle future active | ||
Nom. | fōtūrus | fōtūrī |
Gen. | fōtūrī | fōtūrōrum |
Dat. | fōtūrō | fōtūrīs |
Acc. | fōtūrum | fōtūrōs |
Abl. | fōtūrō | fōtūrīs |
Participle perfect passive | ||
Nom. | fōtus | fōtī |
Gen. | fōtī | fōtōrum |
Dat. | fōtō | fōtīs |
Acc. | fōtum | fōtōs |
Abl. | fōtō | fōtīs |
Gerundive | ||
Nom. | fovendus | fovendī |
Gen. | fovendī | fovendōrum |
Dat. | fovendō | fovendīs |
Acc. | fovendum | fovendōs |
Abl. | fovendō | fovendīs |
Gerund | Supine | |
Nom. | fovēre | fōtum |
Gen. | fovendī | fōtū |
Dat. | fovendō | |
Acc. | fovendum | |
Abl. | fovendō |
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Chicago (17th ed.)
Allo Contributors. "foveō, fovēre, fōvī, fōtum (v.) - Latin Word Definition." Allo Latin Dictionary. Last modified . Accessed March 30, 2025. http://ancientlanguages.org/latin/dictionary/foveo-fovere-fovi-fotum.
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