forum is a Latin Noun that primarily means marketplace.
marketplace, forum
English derivatives:
A public square in the centre of a town, piazza. (b) (w. distinguishing names, of various great squares in Rome). (c) (as a centre for buying and selling) a market; (esp., w. adj., etc., denoting the commodity sold there). (d) the people in the street, the general public. (e) in ~o, outside one's home, in public.
(spec.) The Forum Romanum, the main square in Rome. (b) (as the scene of public entertainments). (c) (as the scene of funeral eulogies).
The forum at Rome (for in other cities) as a centre for banking, 'the Exchange'; ~o cedere, to go bankrupt.
Civēs ad Forum vēnērunt ōratiōnem audiendī causā.Compare The citizens went to the Forum for the sake of hearing the speech (better English, to hear the speech).
Sī Rōmae erātis, saepe ad Forum ibātis.Compare If you were in Rome, you often went to the Forum.
Quis ipse domus ego opus est, careo forum?Compare What need have I of my home itself, if excluded from the forum?
Singular | Plural | |
Nom. | forum | fora |
Gen. | forī | forōrum |
Dat. | forō | forīs |
Acc. | forum | fora |
Abl. | forō | forīs |
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Chicago (17th ed.)
Allo Contributors. "forum, forī (n.) - Latin Word Definition." Allo Latin Dictionary. Last modified . Accessed March 31, 2025. http://ancientlanguages.org/latin/dictionary/forum-fori.
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