fortis is a Latin Adjective that primarily means brave.
strong, brave
English derivatives:
fort forte fortify fortitude force comfort
(of persons or animals, their limbs, etc.) Physically robust or powerful, strong, hardy, vigorous, etc. (b) (of plants). (c) in healthy physical condition, in robust health. (d) able to take strong food or drink. (e) full of sexual vigour. (f) robust in appearance, well set up, strapping. (g) having or requiring a man's strength; ~ior aetas (or sim.), the prime of manhood, maturity.
(of things) Strong, stout, tough.
(a) (of winds, streams, etc.) Having force of movement, strong; (of heat, light) intense, powerful. (b) (of sounds) loud, noisy. (c) (of medicines, wines, etc.) powerful in operation, potent, effective; (also transf.).
(of cities, etc.) Rich in resources, military strength, etc., powerful. (b) (colloq., of persons, their conduct) honourable, decent, worthy.
(a) (of arguments, proofs) Convincing, strong. (b) (of remedies or sim.) drastic, severe; (also, of persons).
Puer cuius patrem iuvābāmus est fortis.Compare The boy whose father we used to help is brave.
Patria nostra ā cīvībus fortibus etiam nunc servārī potest.Compare Our country can even now be saved by brave citizens.
Virī fortēs aliōs servant.Compare Brave men save others
Audeant illī virī et fēminae esse fortēs.Compare Let those men and women dare to be brave.
Nemo est tam fortis quin rei novitate perturbetur.Compare No one is so courageous as not to be upset by an unexpected turn of events.
Fortī et fidēlī nihil est difficile.Compare Nothing is difficult for a brave and trustworthy man.
Quisnam igitur liber? Sapiens, sibi qui imperiosus, quem neque pauperies neque mors neque vincula terrent, responsare cupidinibus, contemnere honores fortis, et in se ipso totus, teres atque rotundusCompare Who then is free? The wise man alone, who is a stern master to himself, whom neither poverty nor death nor bonds affright, who has the courage to say "no" again and again to desires, to despise the object of ambition, who is a whole in himself, smoothed and rounded.
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Krüger, Bernd. "Latin Conjugation Tables." Cactus2000. Accessed May 5, 2023. https://latin.cactus2000.de/index.en.php.
Pierson, Nick. "Sound of Text." Accessed October 26, 2019. https://soundoftext.com.
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Chicago (17th ed.)
Allo Contributors. "fortis, forte (adj.) - Latin Word Definition." Allo Latin Dictionary. Last modified . Accessed March 31, 2025. http://ancientlanguages.org/latin/dictionary/fortis-forte.
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