fīrmus is a Latin Adjective that primarily means firm.
firm, strong, reliable
English derivatives:
firmament affirm affirmation affirmative confirm confirmation farm farmer
(of things) Strong, stout, durable. (b) (of persons or animals, their limbs, powers, years, etc.) robust, sturdy, etc.; (also, of plants). (c) (w. ref. to consistency) firm.
(of things) In sound physical condition, in a good state of repair or sim. (b) (of persons) in sound health, strong, in good physique, etc.; (med., of parts of the body); (of one's health, constitution) sound.
(of the hand, etc.) Not shaking or wavering, firm, steady; (also, of a grasp, footing). (b) (of troops in battle), (c) (transf., of the voice, faculties).
(of fortifications or sim.) Strongly protected, secure against attack. (b) (transf., of safeguards).
(a) (of food) Substantial, solid; (of wine) full-bodied. (b) (of colour, taste, sound) intense, pronounced, strong.
Idem velle atque idem nolle, ea demum firma amicitia est.Compare To have the same likes and dislikes - this, after all, is what defines solid friendship.
Ea libertas est qui pectus purum et firmum gestitat; aliae res obnoxiosae nocte in obscura latent.Compare Freedom is having a pure and dauntless heart; all else is slavery and lies hidden in darkness.
Neque omnis tam firmus et constans animus contra adversus rumor sum possum, quam Fabius sum.Compare Nor can all be of so firm and steady a spirit against evil report as Fabius was.
Et iam area firmus templum ac porticus sustinendus sum.Compare And now the ground was firm enough to support temples and porticos.
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Chicago (17th ed.)
Allo Contributors. "fīrmus, fīrma, fīrmum (adj.) - Latin Word Definition." Allo Latin Dictionary. Last modified . Accessed March 31, 2025. http://ancientlanguages.org/latin/dictionary/firmus-firma-firmum.
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