expōnere is a Latin Verb that primarily means to explain.
to set forth, explain, expose
English derivatives:
exponent exposition expository expound
To put on or bring out (into the open). (b) to put on shore, disembark, land.
(a) To expose (children). (b) to abandon in an exposed position.
To spread out; (colloq.) to send (someone) sprawling, 'lay out'.
To put on show, display; to expose for sale. (b) to make available (for a purpose).
(w. dat.) To expose (to dangers. etc.); (also w. ad or aduersus). (b) (pass. pple., of places) exposed (to the elements).
Dēnique omnia expōnat ut iam comprehendātis quanta scelera contrā rem pūblicam commissa sint.Compare Finally, let him explain all things so that you (pl.) may now understand what great crimes have been committed against the republic.
Cum exposuisset quid peteret, negāvistī tantum auxilium posse offerrī.Compare When he had explained what he was seeking, you (sg.) said that such great aid could not be offered.
Is disputatio sententia hic liber expono meus arbitratus.Compare The leading ideas of that discussion I have set forth in this book at my own pleasure.
Indicative present | Indicative imperfect |
expōnō expōnis expōnit expōnimus expōnitis expōnunt | expōnēbam expōnēbās expōnēbat expōnēbāmus expōnēbātis expōnēbant |
Indicative perfect | Indicative pluperfect |
exposuī exposuistī exposuit exposuimus exposuistis exposuērunt / exposuēre | exposueram exposuerās exposuerat exposuerāmus exposuerātis exposuerant |
Indicative future | Indicative future perfect |
expōnam expōnēs expōnet expōnēmus expōnētis expōnent | exposuerō exposueris exposuerit exposuerimus exposueritis exposuerint |
Subjunctive present | Subjunctive imperfect |
expōnam expōnās expōnat expōnāmus expōnātis expōnant | expōnerem expōnerēs expōneret expōnerēmus expōnerētis expōnerent |
Subjunctive perfect | Subjunctive pluperfect |
exposuerim exposueris exposuerit exposuerimus exposueritis exposuerint | exposuissem exposuissēs exposuisset exposuissēmus exposuissētis exposuissent |
Infinitive present expōnere Infinitive perfect exposuisse Infinitive future expositūrum esse | Imperative present expōne expōnite Imperative future expōnitō expōnitō expōnitōte expōnuntō |
Indicative present | Indicative imperfect |
expōnor expōneris expōnitur expōnimur expōniminī expōnuntur | expōnēbar expōnēbāris / expōnēbāre expōnēbātur expōnēbāmur expōnēbāminī expōnēbantur |
Indicative perfect | Indicative pluperfect |
expositus sum expositus es expositus est expositī sumus expositī estis expositī sunt | expositus eram expositus erās expositus erat expositī erāmus expositī erātis expositī erant |
Indicative future | Indicative future perfect |
expōnar expōnēris / expōnēre expōnētur expōnēmur expōnēminī expōnentur | expositus erō expositus eris expositus erit expositī erimus expositī eritis expositī erunt |
Subjunctive present | Subjunctive imperfect |
expōnar expōnāris / expōnāre expōnātur expōnāmur expōnāminī expōnantur | expōnerer expōnerēris / expōnerēre expōnerētur expōnerēmur expōnerēminī expōnerentur |
Subjunctive perfect | Subjunctive pluperfect |
expositus sim expositus sīs expositus sit expositī sīmus expositī sītis expositī sint | expositus essem expositus essēs expositus esset expositī essēmus expositī essētis expositī essent |
Infinitive present expōnī Infinitive perfect expositum esse Infinitive future expositum īrī | Imperative present expōnere expōniminī Imperative future expōnitor expōnitor - expōnuntor |
Participle present active | ||
Nom. | expōnēns | expōnentēs |
Gen. | expōnentis | expōnentium |
Dat. | expōnentī | expōnentibus |
Acc. | expōnentem | expōnentēs |
Abl. | expōnente | expōnentibus |
Participle future active | ||
Nom. | expositūrus | expositūrī |
Gen. | expositūrī | expositūrōrum |
Dat. | expositūrō | expositūrīs |
Acc. | expositūrum | expositūrōs |
Abl. | expositūrō | expositūrīs |
Participle perfect passive | ||
Nom. | expositus | expositī |
Gen. | expositī | expositōrum |
Dat. | expositō | expositīs |
Acc. | expositum | expositōs |
Abl. | expositō | expositīs |
Gerundive | ||
Nom. | expōnendus | expōnendī |
Gen. | expōnendī | expōnendōrum |
Dat. | expōnendō | expōnendīs |
Acc. | expōnendum | expōnendōs |
Abl. | expōnendō | expōnendīs |
Gerund | Supine | |
Nom. | expōnere | expositum |
Gen. | expōnendī | expositū |
Dat. | expōnendō | |
Acc. | expōnendum | |
Abl. | expōnendō |
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Chicago (17th ed.)
Allo Contributors. "expōnō, expōnere, exposuī, expositum (v.) - Latin Word Definition." Allo Latin Dictionary. Last modified . Accessed March 31, 2025. http://ancientlanguages.org/latin/dictionary/expono-exponere-exposui-expositum.
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