crēdere is a Latin Verb that primarily means to believe.
+acc or dat., to believe, trust
English derivatives:
credence credentials credible incredible credulity credulous creed credibility credo credit creditable accreditation miscreant grant
(w. acc. and dat.) To consign to the custody or protection of, commit, entrust. (b) to confide (secrets, etc.). (c) to entrust (a task, office, or sim.). (d) (refl.).
(w. acc. and dat.) To lend (money) to; (with acc.) to make loans, give credit.
(intr., w. dat.) To have faith or confidence in, trust, rely on.
(intr., w. dat.) To give credence to, believe (a person, report, etc.). (b) (parenth.) mihi ~e, ~ite, believe me, you may be sure; (also without mihi).
(tr.) To accept as true, believe (assertions, etc.); (pass., of a person) to be believed. (b) to assume the reality or existence of, believe in.
Crēdidimus eōs ventūrōs esse (vēnisse, venīre).Compare We believed that they would come (had come, were coming).
Nōs quidem putāmus pecūniam ipsam nōn esse malam; sed crēdimus vēritātem et lībertātem et amīcitiam esse meliōrēs et maiōrēs.Compare We certainly think that money itself is not bad; but we believe that truth and liberty and friendship are better and greater.
Quīdam mālunt crēdere omnēs esse parēs.Compare Certain men prefer to believe that all men are equal.
Plūrēs virī crēdunt hoc bellum esse peius quam prīmum bellum.Compare More men believe that this war is worse than the first war.
Credo ego Amorem primum apud homines carnificinam commentum. [Cistelaria, 203]Compare I do believe it was Love that first devised the torturer's profession here on earth.
Nemo credo unquam.Compare No one will ever believe it.
Nam qui volo, et credo libenter.Compare For we readily believe what we wish.
Indicative present | Indicative imperfect |
crēdō crēdis crēdit crēdimus crēditis crēdunt | crēdēbam crēdēbās crēdēbat crēdēbāmus crēdēbātis crēdēbant |
Indicative perfect | Indicative pluperfect |
crēdidī crēdidistī crēdidit crēdidimus crēdidistis crēdidērunt / crēdidēre | crēdideram crēdiderās crēdiderat crēdiderāmus crēdiderātis crēdiderant |
Indicative future | Indicative future perfect |
crēdam crēdēs crēdet crēdēmus crēdētis crēdent | crēdiderō crēdideris crēdiderit crēdiderimus crēdideritis crēdiderint |
Subjunctive present | Subjunctive imperfect |
crēdam crēdās crēdat crēdāmus crēdātis crēdant | crēderem crēderēs crēderet crēderēmus crēderētis crēderent |
Subjunctive perfect | Subjunctive pluperfect |
crēdiderim crēdideris crēdiderit crēdiderimus crēdideritis crēdiderint | crēdidissem crēdidissēs crēdidisset crēdidissēmus crēdidissētis crēdidissent |
Infinitive present crēdere Infinitive perfect crēdidisse Infinitive future crēditūrum esse | Imperative present crēde crēdite Imperative future crēditō crēditō crēditōte crēduntō |
Indicative present | Indicative imperfect |
crēdor crēderis crēditur crēdimur crēdiminī crēduntur | crēdēbar crēdēbāris / crēdēbāre crēdēbātur crēdēbāmur crēdēbāminī crēdēbantur |
Indicative perfect | Indicative pluperfect |
crēditus sum crēditus es crēditus est crēditī sumus crēditī estis crēditī sunt | crēditus eram crēditus erās crēditus erat crēditī erāmus crēditī erātis crēditī erant |
Indicative future | Indicative future perfect |
crēdar crēdēris / crēdēre crēdētur crēdēmur crēdēminī crēdentur | crēditus erō crēditus eris crēditus erit crēditī erimus crēditī eritis crēditī erunt |
Subjunctive present | Subjunctive imperfect |
crēdar crēdāris / crēdāre crēdātur crēdāmur crēdāminī crēdantur | crēderer crēderēris / crēderēre crēderētur crēderēmur crēderēminī crēderentur |
Subjunctive perfect | Subjunctive pluperfect |
crēditus sim crēditus sīs crēditus sit crēditī sīmus crēditī sītis crēditī sint | crēditus essem crēditus essēs crēditus esset crēditī essēmus crēditī essētis crēditī essent |
Infinitive present crēdī Infinitive perfect crēditum esse Infinitive future crēditum īrī | Imperative present crēdere crēdiminī Imperative future crēditor crēditor - crēduntor |
Participle present active | ||
Nom. | crēdēns | crēdentēs |
Gen. | crēdentis | crēdentium |
Dat. | crēdentī | crēdentibus |
Acc. | crēdentem | crēdentēs |
Abl. | crēdente | crēdentibus |
Participle future active | ||
Nom. | crēditūrus | crēditūrī |
Gen. | crēditūrī | crēditūrōrum |
Dat. | crēditūrō | crēditūrīs |
Acc. | crēditūrum | crēditūrōs |
Abl. | crēditūrō | crēditūrīs |
Participle perfect passive | ||
Nom. | crēditus | crēditī |
Gen. | crēditī | crēditōrum |
Dat. | crēditō | crēditīs |
Acc. | crēditum | crēditōs |
Abl. | crēditō | crēditīs |
Gerundive | ||
Nom. | crēdendus | crēdendī |
Gen. | crēdendī | crēdendōrum |
Dat. | crēdendō | crēdendīs |
Acc. | crēdendum | crēdendōs |
Abl. | crēdendō | crēdendīs |
Gerund | Supine | |
Nom. | crēdere | crēditum |
Gen. | crēdendī | crēditū |
Dat. | crēdendō | |
Acc. | crēdendum | |
Abl. | crēdendō |
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Chicago (17th ed.)
Allo Contributors. "crēdō, crēdere, crēdidī, crēditum (v.) - Latin Word Definition." Allo Latin Dictionary. Last modified . Accessed March 31, 2025. http://ancientlanguages.org/latin/dictionary/credo-credere-credidi-creditum.
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