cōnsūmere is a Latin Verb that primarily means to consume.
to consume, use up
English derivatives:
consumer consumption assume assumption presume presumable presumption presumptive presumptuous resume resumption
To destroy, wear away, consume (a material object). (b) (of personal or impersonal agencies) to cause the death of, kill. (c) to make smaller, reduce; to reduce to nothing.
To reduce to nothing (immaterial things), put an end to, destroy. (b) (leg.) to annul, extinguish (a right, agreement, etc.).
To weaken severely, wear down, prostrate, exhaust.
To eat, devour; to take (a medicine). (b) to use up, expend. (c) to swallow up, merge.
(a) To expend, use up, employ (labour, actions, etc., on a pursuit). (b) to spend (money, resources). (c) to spend, pass, take up (time); (esp. w. specification of the occupation in wnich time is spent).
Nos numerus sumus et fruges consumere nati.Compare We are the ciphers, fit for nothing but to eat our share of earth's fruits.
Reliquus annus circumeundus Italia urbs consumo.Compare He spent the rest of the year in going round the cities of Italy.
Frumentum non solum a tantus multitudo iumentum atque homo consumo, sed etiam annus tempus atque imber procumbo.Compare The corn was not only being consumed by so great a number of beasts of burden and of men, but had also been laid by the season of the year and by violent rains.
Indicative present | Indicative imperfect |
cōnsūmō cōnsūmis cōnsūmit cōnsūmimus cōnsūmitis cōnsūmunt | cōnsūmēbam cōnsūmēbās cōnsūmēbat cōnsūmēbāmus cōnsūmēbātis cōnsūmēbant |
Indicative perfect | Indicative pluperfect |
cōnsūmpsī cōnsūmpsistī cōnsūmpsit cōnsūmpsimus cōnsūmpsistis cōnsūmpsērunt / cōnsūmpsēre | cōnsūmpseram cōnsūmpserās cōnsūmpserat cōnsūmpserāmus cōnsūmpserātis cōnsūmpserant |
Indicative future | Indicative future perfect |
cōnsūmam cōnsūmēs cōnsūmet cōnsūmēmus cōnsūmētis cōnsūment | cōnsūmpserō cōnsūmpseris cōnsūmpserit cōnsūmpserimus cōnsūmpseritis cōnsūmpserint |
Subjunctive present | Subjunctive imperfect |
cōnsūmam cōnsūmās cōnsūmat cōnsūmāmus cōnsūmātis cōnsūmant | cōnsūmerem cōnsūmerēs cōnsūmeret cōnsūmerēmus cōnsūmerētis cōnsūmerent |
Subjunctive perfect | Subjunctive pluperfect |
cōnsūmpserim cōnsūmpseris cōnsūmpserit cōnsūmpserimus cōnsūmpseritis cōnsūmpserint | cōnsūmpsissem cōnsūmpsissēs cōnsūmpsisset cōnsūmpsissēmus cōnsūmpsissētis cōnsūmpsissent |
Infinitive present cōnsūmere Infinitive perfect cōnsūmpsisse Infinitive future cōnsūmptūrum esse | Imperative present cōnsūme cōnsūmite Imperative future cōnsūmitō cōnsūmitō cōnsūmitōte cōnsūmuntō |
Indicative present | Indicative imperfect |
cōnsūmor cōnsūmeris cōnsūmitur cōnsūmimur cōnsūmiminī cōnsūmuntur | cōnsūmēbar cōnsūmēbāris / cōnsūmēbāre cōnsūmēbātur cōnsūmēbāmur cōnsūmēbāminī cōnsūmēbantur |
Indicative perfect | Indicative pluperfect |
cōnsūmptus sum cōnsūmptus es cōnsūmptus est cōnsūmptī sumus cōnsūmptī estis cōnsūmptī sunt | cōnsūmptus eram cōnsūmptus erās cōnsūmptus erat cōnsūmptī erāmus cōnsūmptī erātis cōnsūmptī erant |
Indicative future | Indicative future perfect |
cōnsūmar cōnsūmēris / cōnsūmēre cōnsūmētur cōnsūmēmur cōnsūmēminī cōnsūmentur | cōnsūmptus erō cōnsūmptus eris cōnsūmptus erit cōnsūmptī erimus cōnsūmptī eritis cōnsūmptī erunt |
Subjunctive present | Subjunctive imperfect |
cōnsūmar cōnsūmāris / cōnsūmāre cōnsūmātur cōnsūmāmur cōnsūmāminī cōnsūmantur | cōnsūmerer cōnsūmerēris / cōnsūmerēre cōnsūmerētur cōnsūmerēmur cōnsūmerēminī cōnsūmerentur |
Subjunctive perfect | Subjunctive pluperfect |
cōnsūmptus sim cōnsūmptus sīs cōnsūmptus sit cōnsūmptī sīmus cōnsūmptī sītis cōnsūmptī sint | cōnsūmptus essem cōnsūmptus essēs cōnsūmptus esset cōnsūmptī essēmus cōnsūmptī essētis cōnsūmptī essent |
Infinitive present cōnsūmī Infinitive perfect cōnsūmptum esse Infinitive future cōnsūmptum īrī | Imperative present cōnsūmere cōnsūmiminī Imperative future cōnsūmitor cōnsūmitor - cōnsūmuntor |
Participle present active | ||
Nom. | cōnsūmēns | cōnsūmentēs |
Gen. | cōnsūmentis | cōnsūmentium |
Dat. | cōnsūmentī | cōnsūmentibus |
Acc. | cōnsūmentem | cōnsūmentēs |
Abl. | cōnsūmente | cōnsūmentibus |
Participle future active | ||
Nom. | cōnsūmptūrus | cōnsūmptūrī |
Gen. | cōnsūmptūrī | cōnsūmptūrōrum |
Dat. | cōnsūmptūrō | cōnsūmptūrīs |
Acc. | cōnsūmptūrum | cōnsūmptūrōs |
Abl. | cōnsūmptūrō | cōnsūmptūrīs |
Participle perfect passive | ||
Nom. | cōnsūmptus | cōnsūmptī |
Gen. | cōnsūmptī | cōnsūmptōrum |
Dat. | cōnsūmptō | cōnsūmptīs |
Acc. | cōnsūmptum | cōnsūmptōs |
Abl. | cōnsūmptō | cōnsūmptīs |
Gerundive | ||
Nom. | cōnsūmendus | cōnsūmendī |
Gen. | cōnsūmendī | cōnsūmendōrum |
Dat. | cōnsūmendō | cōnsūmendīs |
Acc. | cōnsūmendum | cōnsūmendōs |
Abl. | cōnsūmendō | cōnsūmendīs |
Gerund | Supine | |
Nom. | cōnsūmere | cōnsūmptum |
Gen. | cōnsūmendī | cōnsūmptū |
Dat. | cōnsūmendō | |
Acc. | cōnsūmendum | |
Abl. | cōnsūmendō |
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Chicago (17th ed.)
Allo Contributors. "cōnsūmō, cōnsūmere, cōnsūmpsī, cōnsūmptum (v.) - Latin Word Definition." Allo Latin Dictionary. Last modified . Accessed March 31, 2025. http://ancientlanguages.org/latin/dictionary/consumo-consumere-consumpsi-consumptum.
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