cōnferre is a Latin Verb that primarily means to bring together.
to bring together, compare, confer, bestow
sē cōnferre, betake oneself, go
English derivatives:
conference collation
To bring or take, carry, convey. (b) to cause to go or face (towards), direct.
(refl.) To betake oneself, go, resort; to go for refuge; to go over (to a side, party, etc.). (b) to have recourse, resort (to an action, policy, etc.).
(also fig.) To direct, aim (weapons, etc.,at); to address, direct (words), (b) to direct (hostile feelings against), cast (suspicion on).
To devote, apply, direct (one's attention, efforts, time, etc.). (b) (refl.) to apply oneself (to a course of action, etc.). (c) to apply (money, etc., to a given purpose).
To confer, bestow (benefits, etc.). (b) to bring (upon). cause to come (to). (c) to put (blame on); to allege (against), lay to one's charge.
Cum perīculum magnum esset, omnēs cōpiās et arma brevī tempore contulērant.Compare Since the danger was great, they brought all their troops and arms together in a short time.
Cum cōnsul haec verba dīxisset, senātus respondit pecūniam ad hanc rem collātam esse.Compare When the consul had spoken these words, the senate replied that money had been brought together for this purpose.
Totus vero iste, qui vulgo appellatur amor - nec hercule inventio quo nomine alio possit appellari - tantae levitatis est, ut nihil quod putem conferendum.Compare In fact the whole passion ordinarily termed love (and heaven help me if I can think of any other term to apply to it) is of such exceeding triviality that I see nothing I think comparable with it.
Confero, comporto frumentum dico.Compare They said that the corn was being collected and brought in.
Cum hic ego nunc pestis atque labes confero?Compare Am I now comparing myself with this plague and disgrace?
Indicative present | Indicative imperfect |
cōnferō cōnfers cōnfert cōnferimus cōnfertis cōnferunt | cōnferēbam cōnferēbās cōnferēbat cōnferēbāmus cōnferēbātis cōnferēbant |
Indicative perfect | Indicative pluperfect |
contulī contulistī contulit contulimus contulistis contulērunt / contulēre | contuleram contulerās contulerat contulerāmus contulerātis contulerant |
Indicative future | Indicative future perfect |
cōnferam cōnferēs cōnferet cōnferēmus cōnferētis cōnferent | contulerō contuleris contulerit contulerimus contuleritis contulerint |
Subjunctive present | Subjunctive imperfect |
cōnferam cōnferās cōnferat cōnferāmus cōnferātis cōnferant | cōnferrem cōnferrēs cōnferret cōnferrēmus cōnferrētis cōnferrent |
Subjunctive perfect | Subjunctive pluperfect |
contulerim contuleris contulerit contulerimus contuleritis contulerint | contulissem contulissēs contulisset contulissēmus contulissētis contulissent |
Infinitive present cōnferre Infinitive perfect contulisse Infinitive future collātūrum esse | Imperative present cōnfer cōnferte Imperative future cōnfertō cōnfertō cōnfertōte cōnferuntō |
Indicative present | Indicative imperfect |
cōnferor cōnferris cōnfertur cōnferimur cōnferiminī cōnferuntur | cōnferēbar cōnferēbāris / cōnferēbār cōnferēbātur cōnferēbāmur cōnferēbāminī cōnferēbantur |
Indicative perfect | Indicative pluperfect |
collātus sum collātus es collātus est collātī sumus collātī estis collātī sunt | collātus eram collātus erās collātus erat collātī erāmus collātī erātis collātī erant |
Indicative future | Indicative future perfect |
cōnferar cōnferēris / cōnferēre cōnferētur cōnferēmur cōnferēminī cōnferentur | collātus erō collātus eris collātus erit collātī erimus collātī eritis collātī erunt |
Subjunctive present | Subjunctive imperfect |
cōnferar cōnferāris / cōnferēre cōnferātur cōnferāmur cōnferāminī cōnferantur | cōnferrer cōnferrēris / cōnferrēre cōnferrētur cōnferrēmur cōnferrēminī cōnferrentur |
Subjunctive perfect | Subjunctive pluperfect |
collātus sim collātus sīs collātus sit collātī sīmus collātī sītis collātī sint | collātus essem collātus essēs collātus esset collātī essēmus collātī essētis collātī essent |
Infinitive present cōnferrī Infinitive perfect collātum esse Infinitive future collātum īrī | Imperative present cōnferre cōnferiminī Imperative future cōnfertor cōnfertor - cōnferuntor |
Participle present active | ||
Nom. | cōnferēns | cōnferentēs |
Gen. | cōnferentis | cōnferentium |
Dat. | cōnferentī | cōnferentibus |
Acc. | cōnferentem | cōnferentēs |
Abl. | cōnferente | cōnferentibus |
Participle future active | ||
Nom. | collātūrus | collātūrī |
Gen. | collātūrī | collātūrōrum |
Dat. | collātūrō | collātūrīs |
Acc. | collātūrum | collātūrōs |
Abl. | collātūrō | collātūrīs |
Participle perfect passive | ||
Nom. | collātus | collātī |
Gen. | collātī | collātōrum |
Dat. | collātō | collātīs |
Acc. | collātum | collātōs |
Abl. | collātō | collātīs |
Gerundive | ||
Nom. | cōnferendus | cōnferendī |
Gen. | cōnferendī | cōnferendōrum |
Dat. | cōnferendō | cōnferendīs |
Acc. | cōnferendum | cōnferendōs |
Abl. | cōnferendō | cōnferendīs |
Gerund | Supine | |
Nom. | cōnferre | collātum |
Gen. | cōnferendī | collātū |
Dat. | cōnferendō | |
Acc. | cōnferendum | |
Abl. | cōnferendō |
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Chicago (17th ed.)
Allo Contributors. "cōnferō, cōnferre, contulī, collātum (v.) - Latin Word Definition." Allo Latin Dictionary. Last modified . Accessed March 31, 2025. http://ancientlanguages.org/latin/dictionary/confero-conferre-contuli-collatum.
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