arma is a Latin Noun that primarily means arms.
arms, weapons
English derivatives:
armor army armament armada armature armistice armadillo alarm diarmament gendarme
Implements, etc., used in warfare, arms, weapons. (b) (as used for practice, in fencing, etc.). (c) in ~is, sub ~is, wearing or carrying arms, standing to arms, armed; ad ~a, to arms.
(of spec. types of arms): (a) Defensive arms, armour; a shield or shields. (b) (opp. tela) arms used in close combat, usu. sword and shield. (c) (poet.) missile weapons.
Arms as the characteristic tools or employment of the soldier, military service, soldiering; ~a ferre, to bear arms, perform military service.
Illīs miserīs plūs pecūniae date nē armīs contrā hostēs careant.Compare Give more money to those unfortunate people so that they may not lack arms against the enemy.
Arma parēmus nē lībertās nostra tollātur.Compare Let us prepare arms so that our liberty may not be taken away.
Cum hostēs contrā nōs celeriter veniant, volumus nostrōs ad arma quam celerrimē vocāre.Compare Since the enemy are coming swiftly against us, we want to call our men to arms as quickly as possible.
Arma virumque canō.Compare I sing of arms and a man.
Silent legēs inter arma. (Cicero, Pro Milone 11)Compare Amid arms, laws grow silent.
Patria armīs et vēritāte cōnservābitur.Compare The country will be saved by arms and truth.
Cēdant arma togae, concēdat laurea linguae. (Cicero, De consultatu sou)Compare Let arms yield to the toga, let the (general's) laurels yield to the (orator's) tongue.
Singular | Plural | |
Nom. | - | arma |
Gen. | - | armōrum |
Dat. | - | armīs |
Acc. | - | arma |
Abl. | - | armīs |
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Chicago (17th ed.)
Allo Contributors. "arma, armōrum (n.) - Latin Word Definition." Allo Latin Dictionary. Last modified . Accessed March 31, 2025. http://ancientlanguages.org/latin/dictionary/arma-armorum.
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