āra is a Latin Noun that primarily means altar.
An altar usu. one built or 'raised' to a particular god. (b) ~a maxima (magna), the altar of Hercules. (c) a commemorative altar; a funerary altar; (also applied to the funeral pyre). (d) the altar in a private house, esp. as a symbol of the sanctity of the home; ~ae (et) foci, 'hearths and homes'. (e) (raised in honour of or for worship of human beings, either in their lifetime or after their death).
(in geog. names).
The constellation Ara.
Nec pietas ullast velatum saepe videri vertier ad lapidem atque omnis accedere ad aras nec procumbere humi prostratum et pandere palmas ante deum delubra nec aras sanguine multo spargere quanrupedum nec votis nectere vota, sed mage pacata posse omnia mente fueri.Compare It is no piety to show oneself often with covered head, turning toward a stone and approaching every altar, none to fall prostrate upon the ground and to spread open the palms before shrines of the gods, none to sprinkle altars with the blood of beasts in showers and to link vow to vow; but rather to be able to survey all things with mind at peace.
Pro patria, pro liberis, pro aris arque focis suis certare.Compare To fight for our country, for our children, for our altars, for our hearths.
Tu ara hic dico mater ego cano.Compare My mother prophesied that an altar would be dedicated to you on this spot.
Singular | Plural | |
Nom. | āra | ārae |
Gen. | ārae | ārārum |
Dat. | ārae | ārīs |
Acc. | āram | ārās |
Abl. | ārā | ārīs |
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Chicago (17th ed.)
Allo Contributors. "āra, ārae (n.) - Latin Word Definition." Allo Latin Dictionary. Last modified . Accessed March 12, 2025. http://ancientlanguages.org/latin/dictionary/ara-arae.
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