altus is a Latin Adjective that primarily means high.
high, deep
Having great extension upwards, lofty, tall, high.
Having a specified extension upwards, high.
(a) (of places or situation) High, situated on high ground. (b) that is far above the ground or the earth, high. (c) (of heavenly bodies) high above the horizon. (d) occupying an exalted position.
Having great extension downwards, deep; (of a fall) great, high. (b) ~um mare, the high sea (as opp. to coastal waters). (c) (of wounds).
Having a specified downward extension, deep.
Per alta vade spatia sublimi aethere; testare nullos esse, qua veheris, deos.Compare Go on through the lofty spaces of high heaven and bear witness, where thou ridest, that there are no gods.
Rectius vives, Licini, neque altum semper urgendo neque, dum procellas cautus horrescis, nimium premendo litus iniquum.Compare You will live a happier life, Licinius, by neither steering always for the deep sea nor in cautious dread of storms hugging too close a dangerous shore.
Et eunt homines mirari alta montium, et ingentes fluctus maris, et latissimos lapsus fluminum, et Oceani ambitum, et gyros siderum, et relinquunt se ipsos.Compare Men go forth to marvel at the mountain heights, at huge waves in the sea, at the board expanse of flowing rivers, at the wide reaches of the ocean, and at the circuits of the stars, but themselves they pass by.
Manet alta mente repostum iudicium Paridis spretaeque iniuria formae.Compare Deep in her mind rankles the judgment of Paris, the insult of having her beauty scorned.
Contineo unus ex pars flumen Rhenus, latus atque altus, qui ager Helvetius a Germani divido.Compare They are enclosed on one side by the River Rhine, very broad and very deep, which divides the Helvetian territory from the Germans.
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Chicago (17th ed.)
Allo Contributors. "altus, alta, altum (adj.) - Latin Word Definition." Allo Latin Dictionary. Last modified . Accessed March 12, 2025. http://ancientlanguages.org/latin/dictionary/altus-alta-altum.
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