aliēnus is a Latin Adjective that primarily means foreign.
Belonging to another (cp. alius), foreign, strange, alien
A person or slave belonging to another person.
A foreigner.
A stranger or person unconnected by blood, outsider.
Of, belonging to, or affecting others, not one's own. (b) (spec.) other than one's own wife, husband, or lover, of other men or women; belonging to such a person. (c) given to, or inflicted on, others; endured by others. (d) done or made by others; inspired by, or derived from others. (e) AES ~um, debt.
Appropriate to other persons or things, unusual, unnatural.
Unconnected, separate, independent. (b) remote (from a state). (c) physically separate.
Of another country, foreign. (b) (of time) to which a person or thing does not belong, different, other.
Unconnected by blood, unrelated. (b) of a different variety or species.
Homo Sum: humani nihil a me alienum puto.Compare I am human: Nothing human is alien to me.
Linque tuas sedes alienaque litora quaere, o iuvenis: maior rerum tibi nascitur ordo.Compare Leave thine home, O youth, and seek out alien shores: a larger range of life is ordained for thee.
Est enim hoc commune vitium in magnis liberisque civitatibus, ut invidia gloriae comes sit, et libenter de his detrahant, quos eminuere videant altius: neque animo aequo pauperes alienam opulentium intuentur fortunam.Compare It is a general failing in great and free states that envy should be a concomitant of distinction: people like to pull down those whom they see rising too high; nor do the poor look with equanimity on fortunes in which they have no share.
Servitium rex superbus, suus libertas immemor alienus oppugno venio.Compare The slaves of proud kings, unmindful of their own liberty, are coming to attack that of others.
Hoc patriumst, potius consuefacere filium sua sponte recte facere quam alieno metu: hoc pater ac dominus interest.Compare That's the way of a father, to accustom his son to do the right thing of his own accord rather than by fear of someone else; that's where a father differs from a master.
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Pierson, Nick. "Sound of Text." Accessed October 26, 2019. https://soundoftext.com.
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Chicago (17th ed.)
Allo Contributors. "aliēnus, aliēna, aliēnum (adj.) - Latin Word Definition." Allo Latin Dictionary. Last modified . Accessed March 12, 2025. http://ancientlanguages.org/latin/dictionary/alienus-aliena-alienum.
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